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BODC Seafloor Depth Data Sources

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
PEVENT Averaged underway bathymetry Bathymetric depth was obtained by averaging underway echo-sounder data over the duration of the data collection event. EVENT water depths obtained using PEVENT and subsequently ported to ZESH (e.g. CTD migration) are obtained in this way. 2013-05-07
BUDS BUDS object Bathymetric depth was obtained from shipboard echosounder data processed by BODC using the BUDS underway data system. The acceptable depth value located closest to the series position (providing separation distance is reasonable) is taken. 2013-04-24
CHART Bathymetric chart Bathymetric depth was read by eye from a published bathymetric chart of the area (e.g. the UK Admiralty Charts used for navigation), using the series spatial coordinates or station position. 2018-05-14
BRIDGE Bridge log sheets Bathymetric depth was obtained from the value logged for the data collection activity by the ship's deck officers. This will be based on the bridge echosounder which may not be the same instrument used by the scientific party. 2013-04-23
CTDDATA CTD data Bathymetric depth was obtained from the depth below surface recorded by the CTD pressure sensor and the height above the bed obtained from the CTD package altimeter at the time of closest approach of the CTD package to the bed. 2013-04-23
CRREP Cruise report Bathymetric depth was obtained from the value published in the cruise report for the data collection activity. 2013-04-23
GEBCO00 GEBCO one-minute grid Bathymetric depth set to the value for the one-minute by one-minute grid cell containing the series spatial coverage from the GEBCO one-minute gridded bathymetry. 2013-04-23
GEBCO0801 GEBCO 08 grid version 20100927 Bathymetric depth set to the value for the 30-second by 30-second grid cell containing the series spatial coverage from the GEBCO-08 gridded bathymetry published on 2010-09-27. 2013-04-23
GEBCO1401 GEBCO 14 grid version 20141103 Bathymetric depth set to the value for the 30-second by 30-second grid cell containing the series spatial coverage from the GEBCO_ 2014 gridded bathymetry finalised on 2014-11-03 2014-12-03
GEBCO1901 GEBCO 19 grid version 20190326 Bathymetric depth set to the value for the 15-second by 15-second grid cell containing the series spatial coverage from the GEBCO_ 2019 gridded bathymetry finalised on 2019-03-26. 2019-05-15
GEBCO2401 GEBCO 24 grid version 20240705 Bathymetric depth set to the value for the 15-second by 15-second grid cell containing the series spatial coverage from the GEBCO_ 2024 gridded bathymetry finalised on 2024-07-05 2024-09-12
SCILOG Scientific log sheets Bathymetric depth was obtained from the value logged for the data collection activity by the scientific party. This is generally a spot reading at some stage during the activity taken from the scientific echo sounder. 2013-04-23
DATAHEAD Usage metadata in data header Bathymetric depth was obtained from the value included as usage metadata in the header of the source file for the series. 2013-04-23