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BODC asset access right roles

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
BODCSR62 36 North programme participant Principal and co-investigators of projects in the 36N Programme or people designated by them as workers on the programme. 2011-12-12
BODCSR18 ADS DDS Data Provider Admin Person or persons authorised to access the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) configure area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR19 ADS DDS Data Provider Harvest Person or persons authorised to access the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) harvest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR20 ADS DDS Data Provider Ingest Person or persons authorised to access the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) ingest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR86 ANDREX project participant Principal and co-investigators of the ANDREX Project or people designated by them as workers on the project 2011-12-12
BODCSR24 APDC secure file-download participant Any member of the Animal Platform programme and people designated by the APDC who are involved in co-ordinated programmes, who wish to download files from BODC via the BODC secure file transfer area. 2012-03-13
BODCSR23 APDC secure file-upload participant Any member of the Animal Platform programme and people designated by the APDC who are involved in co-ordinated programmes, who wish to upload files to BODC via the BODC secure file transfer area. 2012-03-13
BODCSR05 Academic A user engaged in bona fide academic research. 2011-12-12
BODCSR01 Anonymous Anybody not registered in the BODC database. As BODC needs to provide originators with information on who has accessed their data, no data can be delivered to anonymous users. However, anonymous users can access metadata. 2011-12-12
BODCSR171 Argo vocabulary editor of biogeochemical (BGC) configuration parameter names Person or persons authorised to make changes to the Argo biogeochemical (BGC) configuration parameter names vocabularies under the Argo program governance. 2019-10-04
BODCSR172 Argo vocabulary editor of core configuration parameter names Person or persons authorised to make changes to the core Argo configuration parameter names vocabularies under the Argo program governance. 2019-10-04
BODCSR189 Argo vocabulary editor of parameter codes Person or persons authorised to make changes to the parameter codes table under the Argo program governance. 2023-05-11
BODCSR173 Argo vocabulary editor of reference tables Person or persons authorised to make changes to the Argo User's Manual reference tables under the Argo program governance. 2019-10-04
BODCSR174 Argo vocabulary editor of standard format tables Person or persons authorised to make changes to the Argo standard format tables under the Argo program governance. 2019-10-04
BODCSR170 Argo vocabulary editor of technical parameter names and units Person or persons authorised to make changes to the Argo technical parameter names and units vocabularies under the Argo program governance. 2019-10-04
BODCSR185 Argo vocabulary editor of trajectory tables Person or persons authorised to make changes to the Argo trajectory tables under the Argo program governance. 2021-11-26
BODCSR02 Automated generic public login Any person or persons wishing to access assets which do not require license signatories or a manual login with authentication. 2013-06-03
BODCSR91 BADC DDS Data Provider Admin Person or persons authorised to access the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) configure area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR92 BADC DDS Data Provider Harvest Person or persons authorised to access the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) harvest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR93 BADC DDS Data Provider Ingest Person or persons authorised to access the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) ingest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR101 BGS Probability, Uncertainty and Risk in the Environment (PURE) vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the BGS Probability, Uncertainty and Risk in the Environment (PURE) project 2015-08-19
BODCSR75 BODC Access Control Manager Person or persons in BODC who have authorisation to manually release assets witheld from automatic release for download or quality reasons 2011-12-12
BODCSR88 BODC DDS Data Provider Admin Person or persons authorised to access the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) configure area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR89 BODC DDS Data Provider Harvest Person or persons authorised to access the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) harvest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR90 BODC DDS Data Provider Ingest Person or persons authorised to access the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) ingest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR25 BODC Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant Person or persons authorised to access the secure file transfer area within the BODC website. 2011-12-12
BODCSR104 BODC Secure File Transfer Administrator Person or persons in BODC who have a adminstrator role for the Secure File Transfer facility 2015-09-24
BODCSR103 BODC Web Content Manager Person or persons in BODC who have authorisation to, for example manually upload assets to the SFT system to enable automatic release for download via other mechanisms 2015-09-03
BODCSR06 BODC staff A current member of BODC staff. 2011-12-12
BODCSR151 BODC vocabulary editor - Access Control Governance Person or persons authorised to make changes to the controlled vocabularies underpinning access control to BODC online assets (C88). 2018-02-13
BODCSR80 BODC vocabulary editor - Administrator Governance Person or persons within BODC authorised to edit the content of stragetically important controlled vocabularies that underpin the semantic frameworks of external organisations. This role is very powerful and careful consideration should be taken when assigning it to a user. 2011-12-12
BODCSR111 BODC vocabulary editor - DPT Manager Governance Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies related to Data Production tools and platforms. 2017-06-02
BODCSR157 BODC vocabulary editor - P01 Parameter Semantic Model Content Governance Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies underpining the BODC P01 Parameter Usage Vocabulary prefLabel; currently limited to members of the BODC Vocabulary Management Group. 2018-08-15
BODCSR79 BODC vocabulary editor - Schema Manager Governance Person or persons within BODC authorised to edit the content of controlled vocabularies that underpin BODC's metadata schema. 2011-12-12
BODCSR158 BODC vocabulary editor - Vocab Management Group members with authorised external contributors Person or persons authorised by the BODC Vocab Management Group chair to make changes to selected BODC-owned controlled vocabularies via the vocab_ editor. 2018-09-26
BODCSR78 BODC vocabulary editor - Vocabulary Manager Governance Person or persons within BODC authorised to edit the content of specific controlled vocabularies, e.g. C75 (organisations) or C99 (bodc staff) that are used internally for BODC administration processes. 2011-12-12
BODCSR61 British Antarctic Survey authorised A current member of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) 2011-12-12
BODCSR175 COMICS project participant Principal and co-investigators of the COMICS Project or people designated by them as workers on the project 2019-10-22
BODCSR182 CUSTARD Secure File Transfer (SFT) project participant - download Person or persons authorised to download files to the CUSTARD area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2020-09-09
BODCSR181 CUSTARD project participant Principal and co-investigator of the CUSTARD project or people designated by them as worker on the project specifically for mooring data. 2020-09-09
BODCSR118 Changing Arctic Oceans (CAO) Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the Changing Arctic Oceans (CAO) team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2017-12-01
BODCSR117 Changing Arctic Oceans (CAO) project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Changing Arctic Oceans (CAO) Programme or people designated by them as workers on the programme. 2017-12-01
BODCSR102 Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (CLIPC) project vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the European Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (CLIPC) project. 2015-08-19
BODCSR77 Climate and Forecast vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of Climate and Forecast standards authority 2011-12-12
BODCSR153 Command and Control (C2) Oceanids metadata creator Person or persons approved to create metadata content via the Command and Control (C2) Oceanids portal 2018-06-07
BODCSR116 Command and Control (C2) Oceanids pilot Person or persons designated for preferential referral to the the Command and Control (C2) Oceanids portal piloting area 2017-08-23
BODCSR115 Command and Control (C2) Oceanids portal user Person or persons registered and approved to use the Command and Control (C2) Oceanids portal 2017-08-23
BODCSR164 Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (Caribbean region) project participant Person or persons authorised to access the CMEP data from the Caribbean region. 2019-01-24
BODCSR165 Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (South Pacific Islands) project participant Person or persons authorised to access the CMEP data from the South Pacific Islands. 2019-01-24
BODCSR184 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence agreed User agreed Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence - generic international attribution only licence. 2021-10-27
BODCSR186 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) agreed User agreed Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence - generic international attribution non commercial only licence. 2021-12-10
BODCSR85 DIMES project participant Principal and co-investigators of the DIMES Project or people designated by them as workers on the project 2011-12-12
BODCSR37 DeltaFlume project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Deltaflume project or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR112 Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (DynOPO) Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (DynOPO) team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2017-08-10
BODCSR161 Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (Dynopo) project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Dynopo programme, or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2018-10-15
BODCSR09 EIDC DDS Data Provider Admin Person or persons authorised to access the Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) configure area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR10 EIDC DDS Data Provider Harvest Person or persons authorised to access the Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) harvest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR11 EIDC DDS Data Provider Ingest Person or persons authorised to access the Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) ingest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR190 EMODnet Physics vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies owned by the EMODnet Physics consortium. 2024-01-08
BODCSR191 Exceptional circumstances data project manager A current member of BODC staff who is the data manager for a project in which the embargo period has been extended due to exceptional circumstances (eg delayed access to samples due to COVID). 2024-06-27
BODCSR43 FASTNEt project participant Principal and co-investigators of the FASTNEt project or people designated by them as workers on the project 2013-12-17
BODCSR08 FRS authorised Users with explicit data access permission from Fisheries Research Services Marine Laboratory. 2011-12-12
BODCSR58 GEBCO 2014 terms and condtions agreed User agreed GEBCO terms and condtions 2018-09-28
BODCSR160 GEBCO 2018 terms and conditions agreed User agreed GEBCO terms and condtions 2019-01-24
BODCSR176 GEBCO Seabed 2030 vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Team. 2019-10-31
BODCSR167 GEBCO Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - download Person or persons authorised to download files to the GEBCO area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2019-01-28
BODCSR166 GEBCO Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the GEBCO area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2019-01-28
BODCSR44 GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product Licence Agreed User agreed GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product Licence Agreement 2014-01-28
BODCSR162 HELCOM vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the Helsinki Commission. 2018-11-20
BODCSR53 IFREMER vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of SISMER (French NODC) on behalf of IFREMER 2014-03-26
BODCSR38 INSPIRE TWG AM vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on Management areas/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units (TWG AM). 2012-04-30
BODCSR83 Isle of Man Government Laboratory authorised Users with explicit data access permission from Isle of Man Government Laboratory 2011-12-12
BODCSR119 JNCC Marine Habitats vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) controlled vocabularies and associated mappings related to marine habitats. 2018-01-30
BODCSR60 Leacoast2 programme participant Principal and co-investigators of the Leacoast2 project or people designated by them as workers on the project 2011-12-12
BODCSR40 Licence 1 agreed User agreed BODC licence 1: General (includes reporting) 2011-12-12
BODCSR42 Licence 2 agreed User agreed BODC licence 2: General (includes reporting) and co-authorship 2011-12-12
BODCSR113 MASSMO04 project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Marine Autonomous Systems in Support of Marine Observations (MASSMO) mission 4 or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2017-07-14
BODCSR169 MASSMO05 project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Marine Autonomous Systems in Support of Marine Observations (MASSMO) mission 5 or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2019-07-11
BODCSR31 MEDIN Maestro secure file-upload participant Any member of Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) core team and people designated by them who wish to upload files to the MEDIN Maestro software team area via the BODC secure file transfer facility. 2011-12-12
BODCSR28 MEDIN Metadata Maestro Software Licence Agreed User agreed MEDIN Metadata Maestro Third Party Licence Agreement 2011-12-12
BODCSR159 MEDIN vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the MEDIN Standards Group (MSG). 2018-09-26
BODCSR120 MERMAN AFBI Submission Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN AFBI Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-08
BODCSR122 MERMAN AFBI Version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN AFBI Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-08
BODCSR121 MERMAN AFBI Version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN AFBI Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-08
BODCSR123 MERMAN CEFAS Submission Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN CEFAS Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-08
BODCSR125 MERMAN CEFAS Version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN CEFAS Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-08
BODCSR124 MERMAN CEFAS Version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN CEFAS Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-08
BODCSR136 MERMAN DAERA Submission Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload and download DEPRECATED Code duplicates existing record; deprecated on 19/04/2018 2018-04-19
BODCSR126 MERMAN DAERA submission Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN DAERA submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-08
BODCSR137 MERMAN DAERA version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN DAERA Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR138 MERMAN DAERA version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN DAERA Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR139 MERMAN DEFRA submission Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN DEFRA Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-07-13
BODCSR142 MERMAN DEFRA version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN DEFRA Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-07-13
BODCSR141 MERMAN DEFRA version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN DEFRA Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-07-13
BODCSR145 MERMAN EANat version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN EANat Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR144 MERMAN EANat version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN EANat Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR143 MERMAN EANat version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN EANat Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR128 MERMAN Marine Scotland Science (MSS) submission Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN MSS Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR130 MERMAN Marine Scotland Science (MSS) version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN MSS Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR129 MERMAN Marine Scotland Science (MSS) version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN MSS Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR133 MERMAN Natural Resource Wales (NRW) version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN NRW Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR131 MERMAN Natural Resource Wales (NRW) submission Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN NRW Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR132 MERMAN Natural Resource Wales (NRW) version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN NRW Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR134 MERMAN Requests Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN Requests team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR135 MERMAN Requests team Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN Requests team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR146 MERMAN Resource Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN Resource team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR147 MERMAN Resource Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN Resource team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR148 MERMAN SEPA Submission Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN SEPA Submission team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-09
BODCSR149 MERMAN SEPA Version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - download Person or persons authorised to download files to the MERMAN SEPA Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-03-14
BODCSR150 MERMAN SEPA Version Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the MERMAN SEPA Version team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-03-14
BODCSR127 MERMAN general Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload and download Person or persons authorised to upload and download files to the MERMAN general team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-02-08
BODCSR74 MOCHA project participant Principal and co-investigators of the NSF-funded MOCHA collaboration project of the Rapid Programme or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR188 Marine Flow Cytometry vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies managed by the Marine Flow Cytometry Vocabulary Governance group. 2022-11-03
BODCSR108 Marine Scotland Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - download Person or persons authorised to download files from the Marine Scotland team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2016-01-18
BODCSR107 Marine Scotland Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the Marine Scotland team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2016-01-18
BODCSR34 Marine and Freshwater Microbial Biodiversity project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Marine and Freshwater Microbial Biodiversity Project or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR168 Movebank database vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies set up for the Movebank database under the governance of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology. 2019-03-03
BODCSR12 NEODC DDS Data Provider Admin Person or persons authorised to access the NERC Earth Observation Data Centre (NEODC) configure area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR13 NEODC DDS Data Provider Harvest Person or persons authorised to access the NERC Earth Observation Data Centre (NEODC) harvest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR14 NEODC DDS Data Provider Ingest Person or persons authorised to access the NERC Earth Observation Data Centre (NEODC) ingest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR87 NERC DDS Data Provider (DDSDP) participant Person or persons authorised to access the Data Providers area within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR94 NGDC DDS Data Provider Admin Person or persons authorised to access the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) configure area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR95 NGDC DDS Data Provider Harvest Person or persons authorised to access the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) harvest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR96 NGDC DDS Data Provider Ingest Person or persons authorised to access the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) ingest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR163 OBIS vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of OBIS. 2019-01-20
BODCSR183 ODATIS Ocean Cluster vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies governed by the French Ocean Data and Services Cluster ODATIS governance team. 2021-09-07
BODCSR114 ORCHESTRA project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration Transports (ORCHESTRA) project participant or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2017-07-18
BODCSR100 OSMOSIS project participant Principal and co-investigators of the OSMOSIS Project or people designated by them as workers on the project 2014-08-20
BODCSR109 OSNAP project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Programme or people designated by them as workers on the programme. 2016-05-26
BODCSR154 OSPAR vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the OSPAR Commission. 2018-07-12
BODCSR152 Ocean Glider Network vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to the controlled vocabularies under the governance of the Ocean Glider Data Management Task Team. 2018-04-09
BODCSR81 Oceans 2025 Pidcock project participant Principal investigators of the Pidcock sub-project of the Oceans 2025 programme or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR21 Oceans 2025 Theme 10 AMT project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Oceans 2025 Theme 10 Sustained Observations AMT programme. 2011-12-12
BODCSR76 Oceans 2025 programme participant Principal and co-investigators of projects in the Oceans 2025 Programme or people designated by them as workers on the programme. 2011-12-12
BODCSR04 Open Government Licence agreed User agreed Open Government Licence for Generic Open Data - generic copyright requirements 2013-04-03
BODCSR07 Open Government Licence agreed DEPRECATED Code deprecated on 03/07/2024: retiring all references to NERC in the OGL policy and roles. Replacing with standard OGL policy and role. Description was: User agreed Open Government Licence for NERC Open Data - includes preamble for NERC copyright requirements 2024-07-03
BODCSR97 PDC DDS Data Provider Admin Person or persons authorised to access the Polar Data Centre (PDC) configure area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR98 PDC DDS Data Provider Harvest Person or persons authorised to access the Polar Data Centre (PDC) harvest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR99 PDC DDS Data Provider Ingest Person or persons authorised to access the Polar Data Centre (PDC) ingest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR30 Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory authorised Users with explicit data access permission from Director POL or their delegates. 2011-12-12
BODCSR39 RAPID McCave project participant Principal and co-investigators of the McCave sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR36 RAPID Meridional Overturning Circulation project participant Principal and co-investigators of the MOC sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR47 RAPID-ASCRIBE project participant Principal and co-investigators of the ASCRIBE sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR50 RAPID-Austin project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Austin sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR48 RAPID-Bacon project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Bacon sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR51 RAPID-Chapman project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Chapman sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR49 RAPID-ISOMAP project participant Principal and co-investigators of the ISOMAP sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR52 RAPID-Lowe project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Lowe sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR46 RAPID-Tudhope project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Tudhope sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR45 RAPID-Wolff project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Wolff sub-project of the Rapid project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR187 Ramsar Convention on Wetlands vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands management team. 2022-08-15
BODCSR35 Rapid Climate Change programme participant Principal and co-investigators of projects in the Rapid Programme or people designated by them as workers on the programme. 2011-12-12
BODCSR29 SMRU Contaminant Data programme participant Principal and co-investigators of the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) Contaminant Data programme or people designated by them as workers on the programme. 2011-12-12
BODCSR84 SOFine project participant Principal and co-investigators of the SOFine Project or people designated by them as workers on the project 2011-12-12
BODCSR180 SOLSTICE-WIO PhD students PhD students of the SOLSTICE-WIO Project. 2020-06-01
BODCSR177 SOLSTICE-WIO project participant Principal and co-investigators of the SOLSTICE-WIO Project or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2020-01-10
BODCSR110 SWE Marine Profiles vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the SWE Marine Profiles community. 2017-05-31
BODCSR27 Scottish Association for Marine Science authorised Users with explicit data access permission from Director SAMS or their delegates. 2011-12-12
BODCSR106 Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - download Person or persons authorised to download files from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2016-01-18
BODCSR105 Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant - upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2016-01-18
BODCSR33 Sea Mammal Research Unit CODA participant Principal and co-investigators of the CODA Project or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2012-04-04
BODCSR32 Sea Mammal Research Unit SCANS participant Principal and co-investigators of the SCANS Project or people designated by them as workers on the project. 2012-04-04
BODCSR156 Seabed 2030 Project Team Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – download Person or persons authorised to download files from the Seabed 2030 project team area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-07-20
BODCSR155 Seabed 2030 Project Team Secure File Transfer (SFT) participant – upload Person or persons authorised to upload files to the Seabed 2030 area of the BODC Secure File Transfer facility. 2018-07-20
BODCSR03 Secure File Transfer (a.k.a SFA) licence agreed User agreed BODC Secure File Transfer (a.k.a. SFA) licence 2014-01-07
BODCSR41 Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry (SSB) programme participant Principal and co-investigators of the Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry programme or people designated by them as workers on the programme. 2014-01-09
BODCSR57 Software Licence agreed User agreed BODC software licence 2011-12-12
BODCSR178 The Crown Estate vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of The Crown Estate. 2020-03-09
BODCSR179 UK Polar Data Centre vocabulary editor Person or persons authorised to make changes to controlled vocabularies under the governance of the UK Polar Data Centre. 2020-04-29
BODCSR73 UK-SOLAS programme participant Principal and co-investigators of projects in the UK-SOLAS Programme or people designated by them as workers on the programme. 2011-12-12
BODCSR26 UKSOLAS-ACMME project participant Principal and co-investigators of the ACMME sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR65 UKSOLAS-Archer project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Archer et al sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR72 UKSOLAS-DOGEE project participant Principal and co-investigators of the DOGEE sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR64 UKSOLAS-DUST project participant Principal and co-investigators of the DUST sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR63 UKSOLAS-HiWASE project participant Principal and co-investigators of the HiWASE sub-project of the UKSOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR71 UKSOLAS-ICON project participant Principal and co-investigators of the ICON sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR67 UKSOLAS-INSPIRE project participant Principal and co-investigators of the INSPIRE sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR69 UKSOLAS-MESOCOSM project participant Principal and co-investigators of the MESOCOSM sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR70 UKSOLAS-Nightingale project participant Principal and co-investigators of the Nightingale et al sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR68 UKSOLAS-RHaMBLe project participant Principal and co-investigators of the RHaMBLe sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR66 UKSOLAS-SEASAW project participant Principal and co-investigators of the SEASAW sub-project of the UK SOLAS project or people designated by them as workers on the sub-project. 2011-12-12
BODCSR15 UKSSDC DDS Data Provider Admin Person or persons authorised to access the UK Solar Centre Data Centre (UKSSDC) configure area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR16 UKSSDC DDS Data Provider Harvest Person or persons authorised to access the UK Solar Centre Data Centre (UKSSDC) harvest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR17 UKSSDC DDS Data Provider Ingest Person or persons authorised to access the UK Solar Centre Data Centre (UKSSDC) ingest area of the Data Providers portal within the NERC Data Discovery Service. 2011-12-12
BODCSR22 University of Wales Bangor Ocean Sciences authorised Users with explicit data access permission from University Wales Bangor School of Ocean Sciences. 2011-12-12
BODCSR82 Venables PhD student and supervisor Emily Venables, SAMS PhD student and her supervisor Mark Inall 2011-12-12