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MGD77 Bathymetry Sound Velocity Correction Codes

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
63 Carter's tables 2011-03-04
62 Del Grosso formula 2011-03-04
01 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 01) 2011-03-04
02 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 02) 2011-03-04
03 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 03) 2011-03-04
04 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 04) 2011-03-04
05 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 05) 2011-03-04
06 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 06) 2011-03-04
07 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 07) 2011-03-04
08 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 08) 2011-03-04
09 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 09) 2011-03-04
10 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 10) 2011-03-04
11 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 11) 2011-03-04
12 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 12) 2011-03-04
13 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 13) 2011-03-04
14 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 14) 2011-03-04
15 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 15) 2011-03-04
16 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 16) 2011-03-04
17 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 17) 2011-03-04
18 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 18) 2011-03-04
19 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 19) 2011-03-04
20 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 20) 2011-03-04
21 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 21) 2011-03-04
22 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 22) 2011-03-04
23 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 23) 2011-03-04
24 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 24) 2011-03-04
25 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 25) 2011-03-04
26 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 26) 2011-03-04
27 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 27) 2011-03-04
28 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 28) 2011-03-04
29 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 29) 2011-03-04
30 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 30) 2011-03-04
31 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 31) 2011-03-04
32 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 32) 2011-03-04
33 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 33) 2011-03-04
34 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 34) 2011-03-04
35 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 35) 2011-03-04
36 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 36) 2011-03-04
37 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 37) 2011-03-04
38 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 38) 2011-03-04
39 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 39) 2011-03-04
40 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 40) 2011-03-04
41 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 41) 2011-03-04
42 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 42) 2011-03-04
43 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 43) 2011-03-04
44 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 44) 2011-03-04
45 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 45) 2011-03-04
46 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 46) 2011-03-04
47 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 47) 2011-03-04
48 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 48) 2011-03-04
49 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 49) 2011-03-04
50 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 50) 2011-03-04
51 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 51) 2011-03-04
52 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 52) 2011-03-04
53 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 53) 2011-03-04
54 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 54) 2011-03-04
55 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 55) 2011-03-04
56 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 56) 2011-03-04
57 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 57) 2011-03-04
58 Matthews Tables Correction (zone 58) 2011-03-04
59 Matthews Tables Correction (zone unknown) 2011-03-04
88 Other (refer to additional documentation) 2011-03-04
60 S. Kuwahara formula 2011-03-04
97 Sound velocity assumed 1500m/s 2011-03-04
98 Unknown if corrected 2011-03-04
99 Unspecified 2011-03-04
61 Wilson formula 2011-03-04