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Climate Science Modelling Language supported feature types

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Alternate Profiles ?Different Media Types (HTML, text, RDF, JSON etc.) and different information model views, profiles, are available for this resource.


ID Preferred Label Definition Date
GridF GridFeature A single time-snapshot of a gridded parameter field. 2007-01-10
GridSF GridSeriesFeature A timeseries of gridded parameter fields. 2007-01-10
PointF PointFeature A single point measurement of some phenomenon at a single location in space and time. 2007-01-10
PointSF PointSeriesFeature A time series of point measurements of some phenomenon at a single location in space. 2007-01-10
ProfileF ProfileFeature Multiple measurements of some phenomenon along a directed vertical line in space. 2007-01-10
ProfSF ProfileSeriesFeature A time series of equal-length profiles measured along a fixed vertical line in space. 2007-01-10
RProfSF RaggedProfileSeriesFeature A time series of unequal-length profiles measurements along a fixed vertical line in space. 2007-01-10
RSectF RaggedSectionFeature A series of unequal-length profile measurements taken vertically from a location moving along a path in time and space. 2007-01-10
SRadarF ScanningRadarFeature The measurement of some phenomenon by a scanning radar. 2007-01-10
SectF SectionFeature A series of equal-length profile measurements taken vertically from a location moving along a path in time and space. 2007-01-10
SwathF SwathFeature A single satellite swath describing some measured phenomenon. 2007-01-10
TrajF TrajectoryFeature A measurement of some phenomenon along a path in time and space 2007-01-10