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OceanGliders Parameter Usage Vocabulary

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
DIST_ALT Altitude Distance in meters from the transducer face to the target. 2023-06-02
DPHDOXY Calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor D phase is calculated as a third degree polynomial of (the phase angle measured by blue excitation light minus the phase angle measured by red excitation light). 2021-06-25
CHLA Chlorophyll-A In-situ fluorometer with either manufacturer, laboratory or sample calibration applied. 2018-06-01
FDOM Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter expressed as quinine sulphate equivalent (FDOM) in seawater The quantity of the optically measurable component of coloured (chromophoric) dissolved organic matter (CDOM) that fluoresces when excited with near ultra-violet (UV) light, measured in a unit volume of salt water by calibration against a quinine sulphate proxy. Often referred to as fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) when expressed as quinine sulphate equivalent. 2024-09-09
CDOM Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter in sea water The quantity of coloured organic compounds in solution in unit volume of any body of water. 2018-06-01
PHYC Concentration of phycoerythrin by fluorometer Phycoerythrin concentration per unit volume of fresh or salt water. 2024-09-09
COR_FACT Correlation factor of acoustic signal by altimeter Quality of the echo return from an altimeter, ranging from 0 to 1. A value of 1 represents a perfect return echo with negligible noise and distortion. 2023-06-02
CNTDOXY Count reported by oxygen sensor The raw output from a dissolved oxygen sensor such as an SBE43 with output converted from voltage or frequency into counts by an ADC. 2018-06-01
TCNTDOXY Count which is expressive of uncalibrated temperature value reported by oxygen sensor Count which is expressive of uncalibrated temperature value reported by oxygen sensor. 2018-06-01
DEPTH Depth below sea surface (zero at sea level) of measurement platform Depth below surface of the water body by unknown instrument and correction to zero at sea level using unspecified algorithm. 2018-06-01
DOXY Dissolved oxygen Concentration of dissolved oxygen per unit mass of the water column. Oxygen may be expressed in terms of mass, volume or quantity of substance. 2018-06-01
ED380 Downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers The vertical component of light at 380nm wavelength travelling downwards. 2024-07-30
ED412 Downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers The vertical component of light at 412nm wavelength travelling downwards. 2024-07-30
ED443 Downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers The vertical component of light at 443nm wavelength travelling downwards. 2024-07-30
ED490 Downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers The vertical component of light at 490nm wavelength travelling downwards. 2024-07-30
ED532 Downwelling irradiance at 532 nanometers The vertical component of light at 532nm wavelength travelling downwards. 2024-08-22
ED555 Downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers The vertical component of light at 555nm wavelength travelling downwards. 2024-07-30
ED655 Downwelling irradiance at 655 nanometers The vertical component of light at 655nm wavelength travelling downwards. 2024-07-31
ED Downwelling irradiance at x nanometers The vertical component of light at the specified wavelength travelling downwards. 2024-07-30
DPAR Downwelling photosynthetic available radiation Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer. 2018-06-01
WCUR_X Eastward current velocity in the water body 2018-06-11
CNDC Electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD 2018-04-23
ENLEVEL Energy level of acoustic signal by altimeter Intensity of the echo return from an altimeter, ranging from 0 to 1. A value of 1 represents full saturation of the receiver. An energy level of 0.707 (square root of 2) is the theoretical perfect level as it represents the energy of a pure sine wave with an amplitude utilising the maximum dynamic range of the receiver. 2023-06-02
CYCLEENG Engineering data cycle number Engineering data cycle number. 2018-06-01
FREQDOXY Frequency reported by oxygen sensor The raw output from a dissolved oxygen sensor such as an SBE43 with output as a frequency related to DO concentration. 2018-06-01
LAT_GPS GPS fixed latitude Latitude north by unspecified GPS system. 2024-09-09
LON_GPS GPS fixed longitude Longitude east by unspecified GPS system. 2024-09-09
GLCOMPH Glider command phase Glider command phase. 2018-06-01
ALTITUDE Height above bed in the water body Unavailable. 2018-06-20
TEMP_CNDC Internal temperature of the conductivity cell Internal temperature (degC) of the conductivity cell. 2022-09-09
LAT Latitude north Latitude north. 2024-09-09
LON Longitude east Longitude east. 2024-09-09
WCUR_Y Northward current velocity in the water body 2018-06-11
NBSAMP Number of samples in bin Number of values included in the determination of a statistic such as an average. 2018-06-01
LCNTDOXY Number of times oxygen sensor flashing to measure oxygen Number of times oxygen sensor flashing to measure oxygen. 2018-06-01
HEADING Orientation (horizontal relative to magnetic north) of measurement platform {heading} by compass Unavailable. 2018-06-01
PITCH Orientation (pitch) of measurement platform by inclinometer Unavailable. 2018-06-01
ROLL Orientation (roll angle) of measurement platform by inclinometer Unavailable. 2018-06-01
MLPLDOXY Oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor Concentration of dissolved oxygen per unit volume of the water column. Oxygen may be expressed in terms of mass, volume or quantity of substance. 2018-06-01
OXYSAT Oxygen saturation by Optode Saturation of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ oxygen optode and computation from concentration. 2018-08-24
PPOXDOXY Partial pressure of oxygen The pressure that the oxygen component of an atmosphere sample would have if it alone occupied the same volume at the same temperature as the sample. 2018-06-01
PPDOXY Partial pressure of oxygen in the water body The partial pressure of oxygen in air in equilibrium with a water sample. 2022-03-28
BBP412 Particle backscattering at 412 nanometers Particle backscattering at 412 nanometers. 2022-03-28
BBP470 Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers Particle backscattering at 470 nanometers. 2018-06-01
BBP532 Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers Particle backscattering at 532 nanometers. 2018-06-01
BBP650 Particle backscattering at 650 nanometers Particle backscattering at 650 nanometers. 2021-06-24
BBP700 Particle backscattering at 700 nanometers Particle backscattering at 700 nanometers. 2018-06-01
BBP715 Particle backscattering at 715 nanometers Particle backscattering at 715 nanometers. 2022-03-28
BBP880 Particle backscattering at 880 nanometers Particle backscattering at 880 nanometers. 2022-03-28
BBP Particle backscattering at x nanometers Particle backscattering at a specified optical wavelength. 2018-06-01
PHDEDOXY Phase delay reported by oxygen sensor Phase delay reported by oxygen sensor. 2018-06-01
FLUOPHYC Phycoerythrin signal from fluorescence sensor Phycoerythrin signal from a fluorescence sensor. 2019-03-21
POTDENS0 Potential density of water body at surface Potential density of the water body by computation from salinity and theta using UNESCO algorithm with 0 decibar reference pressure 2020-07-20
PSAL Practical salinity Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm 2018-05-31
EDLAM380 Raw downwelling irradiance at 380 nanometers The raw output expressed in counts from an upward-facing cosine collector radiometer for optical wavelength 380nm. 2018-06-01
EDLAM412 Raw downwelling irradiance at 412 nanometers The raw output expressed in counts from an upward-facing cosine collector radiometer for optical wavelength 412nm. 2018-06-01
EDLAM443 Raw downwelling irradiance at 443 nanometers The raw output expressed in counts from an upward-facing cosine collector radiometer for optical wavelength 443nm. 2018-06-01
EDLAM490 Raw downwelling irradiance at 490 nanometers The raw output expressed in counts from an upward-facing cosine collector radiometer for optical wavelength 490nm. 2018-06-01
EDLAM555 Raw downwelling irradiance at 555 nanometers The raw output expressed in counts from an upward-facing cosine collector radiometer for optical wavelength 555nm. 2018-06-01
EDLAM Raw downwelling irradiance at x nanometers The raw output expressed in counts from an upward-facing cosine collector radiometer for one particular wavelength from the measured spectrum. 2018-06-01
RAWDPAR Raw downwelling photosynthetic available radiation The raw output expressed in counts from an upward-facing cosine collector radiometer measuring the integrated light over PAR wavelengths. 2018-06-01
FLUOCDOM Raw fluorescence from coloured dissolved organic matter sensor The amount of violet to low ultra-violet radiation generated in the water column in response to high ultra-violet radiation transmission expressed relative to an unspecified baseline using fluorometer designed to detect CDOM, crude oil or UV-fluorescent dyes. 2018-06-01
RTHERTUR_MN Raw signal (mean) from turbulence profiler thermistor The average number of counts in the water body across multiple measurements by a turbulence profiler thermistor. 2023-08-07
RTHERTUR_MN2 Raw signal (mean) from turbulence profiler thermistor (second sensor) The average number of counts in the water body across multiple measurements by a second turbulence profiler thermistor. 2023-08-07
RSHEAR_SD Raw signal (standard deviation) from turbulence profiler shear sensor The square root of the average of the squares of deviations about the mean of counts in the water body by a turbulence profiler shear sensor. 2023-08-07
RSHEAR_SD2 Raw signal (standard deviation) from turbulence profiler shear sensor (second sensor) The square root of the average of the squares of deviations about the mean of counts in the water body by a second turbulence profiler shear sensor. 2023-08-07
RTHERTUR_SD Raw signal (standard deviation) from turbulence profiler thermistor The square root of the average of the squares of deviations about the mean of counts in the water body by a turbulence profiler thermistor. 2023-08-07
RTHERTUR_SD2 Raw signal (standard deviation) from turbulence profiler thermistor (second sensor) The square root of the average of the squares of deviations about the mean of counts in the water body by a second turbulence profiler thermistor. 2023-08-07
FLUOCHLA Raw signal from chlorophyll-a fluorometer Raw fluorescence signal (count) from chlorophyll-a fluorometer. 2024-09-09
TEMPDOXY Sea temperature from oxygen sensor ITS-90 scale Temperature of oxygen determination by optode. 2018-06-01
TEMP Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD 2018-05-31
DENSITY Sea water density The mass of a unit volume of any body of fresh or salt water. 2018-06-01
THETA Sea water potential temperature Potential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm. 2020-07-20
PRES Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea level 2018-05-31
PITMPOS Setting (counts) of glider pitch mass The pitch A/D count position of a glider internal mass. 2018-06-01
ROLMPOS Setting (counts) of glider roll mass The roll A/D count position of a glider internal mass. 2018-06-01
VBD Setting (counts) of glider variable buoyancy device The variable buoyancy device (VBD) A/D count position of a glider. 2018-06-01
CROLMPOS Setting (offset angle from neutral) of glider roll mass The angle of a glider's internal roll mass from the position that would maintain neutral roll (Positive starboard wing down). 2018-06-01
CPITMPOS Setting (offset distance from neutral) of glider pitchmass The distance of a glider's internal pitch mass from the position that would maintain neutral pitch (Positive nose up). 2018-06-01
RELVBD Setting (volume offset from neutrally buoyant) of glider variable buoyancy device The difference between the volume of the internal variable buoyancy device (VBD) on a glider and the volume of the VBD that would maintain neutral buoyancy. If values are positive then the glider rises in the water. 2018-06-01
SIGMA_T Sigma-T Computed by UNESCO SVAN function using in-situ temperature. 2018-06-01
SIGTHETA Sigma-theta Sigma-theta of the water body and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm. 2020-07-20
SOUNDVEL Sound velocity in the water body The rate at which sound travels through the water column. 2018-06-01
TCPUCHLA Thermistor signal from backscattering meter and/or fluorometer The raw analogue-to-digital converter output from a temperature sensor mounted on a CPU that is a component part of a backscattering meter and/or fluorometer. 2024-09-09
TCPURADP Thermistor signal from radiometer The raw analogue-to-digital converter output from a temperature sensor mounted on a CPU that is a component part of a radiometer. 2024-09-10
TVLTDOXY Thermistor voltage reported by oxygen sensor Voltage of instrument output by in-situ thermistor 2018-04-23
TIMEDF Time elapsed since since start of day Time elapsed since since start of day. 2018-06-01
TIMEYO Time elapsed since since start of glider yo Time elapsed since since start of glider yo. 2018-06-01
BETA470 Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 470 nanometers Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 470 nanometers. 2018-06-01
BETA532 Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 532 nanometers Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 532 nanometers. 2018-06-01
BETA650 Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 650 nanometers Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 650 nanometers. 2019-08-12
BETA700 Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 700 nanometers Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 700 nanometers. 2018-06-01
BETA880 Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 880 nanometers Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at 880 nanometers. 2019-08-12
BETABBP Total angle specific volume from backscattering sensor at x nanometers The output from an analogue to digital converter translating the output voltage from an optical backscatter sensor. 2018-06-01
TURB Turbidity of water in the water body Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver. 2018-06-26
NCNTTUR1 Turbidity signal from side scattering sensor Turbidity signal from side scattering sensor. 2018-06-26
TPHDOXY Uncalibrated (temperature compensated) phase shift reported by oxygen sensor Uncalibrated (temperature compensated) phase shift reported by oxygen sensor. 2021-06-25
BPHDOXY Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by oxygen sensor Uncalibrated blue excitation light phase shift reported by oxygen sensor. 2021-06-25
C1PHDOXY Uncalibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor DEPRECATED Deprecated on 25-Jun-2021 because the parameter concept was identical to an existing one. Uncalibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor. 2021-06-28
C2PHDOXY Uncalibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor DEPRECATED Deprecated on 25-Jun-2021 because the parameter concept was identical to an existing one. Uncalibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor. 2021-06-28
RPHDOXY Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by oxygen sensor Uncalibrated red excitation light phase shift reported by oxygen sensor. 2021-06-25
MOLDOXY Uncompensated (pressure and salinity) oxygen concentration reported by the oxygen sensor Water body dissolved oxygen concentration expressed at zero rather than in-situ salinity. This is NOT an environment state variable. 2018-06-01
VLTDOXY Voltage reported by oxygen sensor The raw output from a dissolved oxygen sensor such as an SBE43 with output as a voltage related to DO concentration. 2018-06-01
TIME epoch time (glider) Time elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. 2018-06-01