http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/CSLR/2/ |
Within Vocab |
SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
Parameters quantifying the irradiance of the sun impinging on the Earth's surface in the visible and infra-red waveband, generally accepted as wavelengths between 300 and 3000 nm |
Date |
2008-11-04T13:04:58 |
Identifier |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
Previous Version |
version |
2 |
Same As
P04:G216 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Solar Radiation |
| P64:G216 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Solar Radiation |
P05:004 |
climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere |
| P03:M010 |
Meteorology |
| D01:D0100001 |
Parameters |
| L19:005 |
theme |
| P22:26 |
Atmospheric conditions |
| P22:33 |
Energy resources |
Radiative flux |
| P09:SINC |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (350-1100nm wavelengths) in the atmosphere by cosine-collector radiometer |
| P01:CSLRRP01 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by port-mounted pyranometer |
| P01:CSLRR101 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by pyranometer |
| P01:CSLRR102 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by pyranometer (second sensor) |
| P01:CSLRR1MS |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by pyranometer and taking the average value from two or more sensors |
| P01:CSLRR1XS |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by pyranometer and taking the maximum value from two or more sensors |
| P01:CSLRZZ02 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by second sensor |
| P01:CSLRRS01 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by starboard-mounted pyranometer |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar wavelengths) in the atmosphere |
| P01:CSLRZZ01 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar wavelengths) in the atmosphere by pyranometer |
| P01:CSLRSDP1 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy standard deviation of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by port-mounted pyranometer |
| P01:CSLRSD01 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy standard deviation of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by pyranometer |
| P01:CSLRSDS1 |
Downwelling vector irradiance as energy standard deviation of electromagnetic radiation (solar (300-3000nm) wavelengths) in the atmosphere by starboard-mounted pyranometer |
| P01:NRADR101 |
Nett radiative flux as energy (300-600 nm wavelengths) in the atmosphere by radiometer |
| P01:CSUNRS01 |
Sunshine duration in the atmosphere by pyranometer |
Upwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar wavelengths) in the atmosphere |
| P07:CF12N191 |
cloud_albedo |
| P07:CF12N192 |
cloud_longwave_emissivity |
| P07:CF12N193 |
convective_cloud_longwave_emissivity |
| P07:CFV16A9 |
diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:CFV16A10 |
diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0660 |
downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:CFSN0661 |
downwelling_shortwave_radiance_in_air |
| P07:CFV11N9 |
integral_of_surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_wrt_time |
| P07:CFSN0833 |
integral_of_surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_wrt_time |
| P07:CFSN0834 |
integral_of_toa_net_downward_shortwave_flux_wrt_time |
| P07:CFSN0613 |
isotropic_shortwave_radiance_in_air |
| P07:CFV11N11 |
minus_one_times_surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:CFV11N12 |
minus_one_times_toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFV16A21 |
net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface |
| P07:CFSN0523 |
net_downward_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:CFSN0524 |
net_downward_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0499 |
net_upward_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:CFSN0500 |
net_upward_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0479 |
planetary_albedo |
| P07:CFV10N34 |
sea_ice_albedo |
| P07:CFSN0345 |
soil_albedo |
| P07:CFSN0328 |
surface_albedo |
| P07:CFSN0289 |
surface_albedo_assuming_deep_snow |
| P07:CFSN0290 |
surface_albedo_assuming_no_snow |
| P07:CFV16A44 |
surface_diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:BBAD2109 |
surface_diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSNA034 |
surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSNA035 |
surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0275 |
surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:CFSN0276 |
surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0237 |
surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSN0238 |
surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0241 |
surface_net_upward_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSNA038 |
surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSNA039 |
surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0216 |
surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:CFSN0217 |
surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0118 |
toa_adjusted_shortwave_forcing |
| P07:CFSN0119 |
toa_incoming_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSN0122 |
toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing |
| P07:CFSN0124 |
toa_net_downward_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSN0125 |
toa_net_downward_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0128 |
toa_net_upward_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSN0092 |
toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSN0093 |
toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky |
| P07:CFSN0098 |
tropopause_adjusted_shortwave_forcing |
| P07:CFSN0105 |
tropopause_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing |
| P07:CFSN0107 |
tropopause_net_downward_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSN0108 |
tropopause_upwelling_shortwave_flux |
| P07:CFSN0085 |
upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
| P07:CFSN0086 |
upwelling_shortwave_radiance_in_air |
| P07:CFSNA006 |
shortwave_radiance |
| P07:CF12N591 |
sunlit_binary_mask |