Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean ships of interest
URI | http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P17/current/ |
Description | Research vessels deemed to be of interest to POGO. 'Of interest' is defined as active ocean-going research vessels greater than 60m in length |
Creator | Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans |
Modified | 2025-02-11 |
Version Info | 54 |
Identifier | P17 |
Register Manager | British Oceanographic Data Centre |
Register Owner | Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans |
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ID ↑ | Preferred Label ↑ | Definition ↑ | Date ↑ |
36AE | Aegaeo | {"node": { "country": "Greece", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel owned by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. Built 1985, active as at Jun 2007, callsign SXYY, length 62m. Renamed from Aegaio in October 1994", "callsign": "SXYY", "previous_name": "Aegaio", "IMO": 8412429, "commissioned": "1994-10" }} | 2016-04-13 |
34A3 | Aranda | {"node": { "country": "Finland", "MMSI": 230145000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "The third Aranda. Owned and operated by the Finnish Environment Institute, (SYKE). Built as Aranda, refitted and lengthened in 2017-2018.", "built": 1989, "callsign": "OIRY", "length": 66.3, "IMO": 8802076, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1989 }} | 2022-03-11 |
77AR | Argos | {"node": { "country": "Sweden", "decommissioned": 2011, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel owned and operated from 1974 to 2011 by the Swedish National Board of Fisheries (Fiskeriverket).", "built": 1974, "callsign": "SEPI", "length": 61.2, "IMO": 7364156, "commissioned": 1974 }} | 2014-01-22 |
46AS | Arni Fridriksson | {"node": { "country": "Iceland", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Registration number 2350", "built": 2000, "callsign": "TFNA", "length": 69.9, "IMO": 9192404, "commissioned": 2000 }} | 2014-02-13 |
46FR | Arni Fridriksson DEPRECATED | {"node": { "country": "Iceland", "notes": "Mulitple hulls: See 46AS and 46AN" }} | 2014-02-05 |
33H4 | Atlantic Explorer | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Bermuda Biological Station, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) since 2005-10. Built as Trojan then renamed Edwin Link and Seward Johnson II. Active as at 2007-07.", "built": 1982, "callsign": "WDC9417", "previous_name": "Seward Johnson II", "length": 51.2, "IMO": 8120014, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "2005-10" }} | 2019-09-23 |
33AT | Atlantis | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "WHOI research vessel owned by the US Navy, operated under charget agreement with the Office of Naval Research. Built 1997, active as at Mar 07, callsign KAQP, length 83.27m.", "callsign": "KAQP", "IMO": 9105798, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1997 }} | 2016-04-13 |
09AR | Aurora Australis | {"node": { "country": "Australia", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel owned by P and O Polar, length 94.91m. Active as at Mar 2007.", "callsign": "VNAA", "IMO": 8717283, "commissioned": 1990 }} | 2016-04-13 |
35B5 | Beautemps-Beaupre | {"node": { "country": "France", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel funded by the French Navy Hydrographic Service (SHOM) (95%) and IFREMER (5%).", "built": 2003, "pennant": "A758", "callsign": "FABB", "length": 80.65, "IMO": 9098361, "commissioned": 2003 }} | 2016-04-13 |
11BE | Belgica | {"node": { "country": "Belgium", "decommissioned": 2021, "MMSI": 205218000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Oceanographic research vessel owned by the Federal Science Policy of Belgium.", "built": 1984, "pennant": "A962", "callsign": "ORGQ", "length": 50.9, "IMO": 8222563, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1984 }} | 2021-02-25 |
11BU | Belgica | {"node": { "country": "Belgium", "MMSI": 224518000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "RV owned by the Federal Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO), under management of RBINS. Built in 2020 (ES), to be commissioned in 2021. It replaces RV Belgica (11BE) which will stop its Belgian research activities in April 2021.", "built": 2020, "callsign": "ORCO", "length": 71.4, "IMO": 9871294, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 2021 }} | 2022-02-23 |
46BS | Bjarni Saemundsson | {"node": { "country": "Iceland", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Marine Research Institute vessel RE30. Built in 1970, active as at Dec 2006, length 55m.", "pennant": "RE30", "callsign": "TFEA", "IMO": 7017466, "commissioned": 1970 }} | 2016-04-13 |
33B1 | Blue Heron | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel of the University of Minnesota Duluth, Large Lakes Observatory. Built in 1985, purchased in 1997. Active as at Jul 2007, callsign WCX7521, length 26.28m.", "callsign": "WCX7521", "IMO": 8511897, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1997 }} | 2016-04-13 |
32KZ | Cape Hatteras | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "National Science Facility research vessel operated by Duke University Marine Labs. Built in 1981, active as at Jul 2007, length 37.8m, callsign WRZ8934", "callsign": "WRZ8934", "IMO": 8023541, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1981 }} | 2016-04-13 |
45CE | Celtic Explorer | {"node": { "country": "Ireland", "MMSI": 250487000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Marine Institute Galway research vessel", "built": 2002, "callsign": "EIGB", "length": 65.5, "IMO": 9244439, "WOD": 9215, "commissioned": 2003 }} | 2015-05-13 |
45CV | Celtic Voyager | {"node": { "country": "Ireland", "MMSI": 250089000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Marine Institute Galway research vessel.", "built": "1997-07", "callsign": "EIQN", "length": 31.4, "IMO": 9154842, "title": "RV", "WOD": 9711, "commissioned": 1997 }} | 2015-09-10 |
49Y9 | Chikyu | {"node": { "country": "Japan", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology research drill ship. Built in 2005, active as at Mar 07, callsign JRAJ. Operated by Global Ocean Development Inc. Length 210m.", "callsign": "JRAJ", "IMO": 9234044, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 2005 }} | 2016-04-13 |
33CB | Clifford A. Barnes | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "1965-1982 former USCG BITT WYTL 65613 was used as a Coast guard harbor tug. Was decommissioned in 1982 and transferred to NSF. Assigned to the University of Washington for operation.", "built": 1965, "callsign": "WRN5495", "previous_name": "Bitt", "length": 19, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1982 }} | 2012-12-06 |
29CS | Cornide de Saavedra | {"node": { "country": "Spain", "decommissioned": 2016, "MMSI": 224765000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "IEO RV, sold in 2016", "built": "1970-06-13", "callsign": "EDSV", "length": 66.7, "IMO": 7025231, "commissioned": 1972 }} | 2022-04-06 |
14CS | Cruzeiro do Sul | {"node": { "country": "Brazil", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "2011 XBT data in the US VOS SEAS Program", "built": 1986, "pennant": "H38", "callsign": "PWCS", "length": 66, "previous_name": "Surveyor", "IMO": 8600246, "commissioned": 2008 }} | 2014-06-26 |
74E3 | Discovery | {"node": { "country": "United Kingdom", "decommissioned": "2012-12-18", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "NERC research vessel. Rebuilt (including hull lengthening by 10m) in 1991-1992. Decommissioned in December 2012 for disposal in March 2013. She will be replaced by a new vessel of the same name.", "built": 1962, "callsign": "GLNE", "length": 90.2, "IMO": 5090660, "title": "RRS", "commissioned": 1963 }} | 2012-11-06 |
74EQ | Discovery | {"node": { "country": "United Kingdom", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Replacement NERC research vessel for the ship of the same name(ICES code 74E3). First trials cruise commenced 18/07/2013 with the formal commissioning ceremony on 10/10/2013. First science cruise scheduled for 04/01/2014.", "built": 2013, "callsign": "2FGX5", "length": 99.7, "IMO": 9588029, "title": "RRS", "commissioned": "2013-10-10" }} | 2017-02-22 |
68DM | Dom Carlos I | {"node": { "country": "Portugal", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Built as USNS Audacious (T-AGOS-11) surveillance ship of the US Navy, became NRP Dom Carlos I (A522) owned by PT Navy", "built": 1989, "pennant": "A522", "previous_name": "USNS Audacious", "IMO": 8830920, "title": "NRP", "WOD": 9209, "commissioned": 1997, "MMSI": 263144000, "synonym": "D. Carlos I", "callsign": "CTHJ" }} | 2025-02-10 |
58D4 | Dr. Fridtjof Nansen | {"node": { "country": "Norway", "decommissioned": 2016, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Refitted and renamed Kristine Bonnevie in 2016.", "built": "1993-10", "callsign": "LGWS", "IMO": 9062934, "commissioned": "1993-10" }} | 2016-12-09 |
32EV | Endeavor | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel owned by the National Science Foundation and operated by the Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. Built in 1975. She underwent a major refit in 1993. Active as at Jul 2007, callsign WCE5063, length 56.38m.", "callsign": "WCE5063", "IMO": 7604300, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1976 }} | 2016-04-13 |
74EE | Ernest Shackleton | {"node": { "country": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Built in Norway as the MV Polar Queen for a Norwegian shipping company in 1995. British Antarctic Survey acquired the ship in August 1999 and it was renamed RRS Ernest Shackleton and re-registered in the Falkland Islands.", "built": 1995, "callsign": "ZDLS1", "previous_name": "Polar Queen", "IMO": 9114256, "title": "RRS", "commissioned": "1999-08" }} | 2016-04-13 |
58EO | Eros | {"node": { "country": "Norway", "platformclass": "fishing vessel", "notes": "Commercial fishing vessel occasionally chartered by the Institute of Marine Research for fisheries and oceanographic research work. Built 1997 in SANDNESSJØEN, Norway. Length 67.6m.", "callsign": "LIVA", "IMO": 9161950, "commissioned": 1997 }} | 2012-02-02 |
33WA | F.G. Walton Smith | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) research vessel. Built in 1999, active as at Jul 2007, callsign WCZ6292, length 29m.", "callsign": "WCZ6292", "IMO": 8964501, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1999 }} | 2016-04-13 |
CIFR | Falkor | {"node": { "country": "Cayman Islands", "decommissioned": 2022, "MMSI": 319005600, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Operated by Schmidt Ocean Institute. Built as a fishery protection vessel SEEFALKE (DE), became RV FALKOR (KY) in 2009, became RV GAIA BLU (IT) in 2022.", "built": 1981, "callsign": "ZCYL5", "length": 82.9, "previous_name": "Seefalke", "IMO": 7928677, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 2009 }} | 2025-01-02 |
58G2 | G.O. Sars | {"node": { "country": "Norway", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel owned and operated by Institute of Marine Research (IMR) Bergen. Vessel replaced its predecessor of the same name.", "built": "2003-02-01", "callsign": "LMEL", "length": 77.5, "IMO": 9260316, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "2003-04-25" }} | 2012-02-02 |
49HH | Hakuho Maru | {"node": { "country": "Japan", "MMSI": 431010000, "synonym": "Hakuho-Maru", "platformclass": "research vessel", "built": "1989-05", "callsign": "JDSS", "length": 100, "IMO": 8714700, "WOD": 10057, "commissioned": "1989-05" }} | 2015-05-19 |
06HK | Heincke | {"node": { "country": "Germany", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Built as a research vessel.", "built": 1990, "callsign": "DBCK", "length": 54.59, "IMO": 8806113, "title": "FS", "commissioned": 1990 }} | 2020-02-11 |
29HE | Hesperides | {"node": { "country": "Spain", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Oceanographic research vessel owned by the Spanish Navy, used by CSIC. Actual spelling Hespérides. DWT 830 (El Buque de Investigación Oceanográfica).", "built": 1991, "pennant": "A33", "callsign": "EBBW", "length": 82, "IMO": 8803563, "title": "BIO" }} | 2012-02-02 |
33H5 | Hugh R. Sharp | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel of the University of Delaware (College of Marine and Earth Studies). Commissioned in 2006 to replace RV Cape Henlopen. Active as at Jul 2007, length 44.5m.", "IMO": 9388443, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 2006 }} | 2016-04-13 |
096U | Investigator | {"node": { "country": "Australia", "MMSI": 503791000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "built": "2014-08", "pennant": "Australia", "callsign": "VLMJ", "length": 94, "IMO": 9616888, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "2014-09-09" }} | 2016-05-01 |
74JC | James Clark Ross | {"node": { "country": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "British Antarctic Survey research vessel. Launched 1990-12-01 followed by fitting out and acceptance trials in 1991 with first operational cruise in December 1991.", "built": 1991, "callsign": "ZDLP", "length": 99.04, "IMO": 8904496, "title": "RRS", "commissioned": 1991 }} | 2012-10-25 |
740H | James Cook | {"node": { "country": "United Kingdom", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "British Royal Research Ship operated by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Built as James Cook in 2006", "built": 2006, "callsign": "MLRM6", "length": 89.2, "IMO": 9338242, "title": "RRS", "WOD": 9058, "commissioned": "2006-08" }} | 2023-10-12 |
58JM | Jan Mayen | {"node": { "country": "Norway", "decommissioned": "2011-06-17", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Fishery no. M-99-HØ. Became research vessel 1992-09-03. In 2003-04-02 became RESEARCH/WEATHER/PROTECTION/SEISMIC SHIP. Name change to Helmer Hanssen in 2011.", "built": 1988, "callsign": "LAHV", "length": 63.8, "IMO": 8716655, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "1988-09-08" }} | 2012-02-02 |
58J3 | Johan Hjort | {"node": { "country": "Norway", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel owned and operated by the Institute of Marine Research - Bergen. Built in 1990, active as at Apr 07. Callsign LDGJ, length 64.4m.", "callsign": "LDGJ", "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1990 }} | 2013-07-01 |
49ZR | Kairei | {"node": { "country": "Japan", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) research vessel built 1997, active as at Apr 2007, callsign JRZH, length 105m.", "callsign": "JRZH", "IMO": 9165920, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1997 }} | 2016-04-13 |
49Q2 | Kaiyo | {"node": { "country": "Japan", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "JAMSTEC research vessel length 62m active as of 2007-06", "callsign": "JRPG", "IMO": 8223684, "commissioned": "1985-05" }} | 2016-04-13 |
76KX | Ke Xue San Hao | {"node": { "country": "China", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel owned and operated by the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS). Built 28 July 2006, length 73.90m, callsign BBNF. Vessel is also known as Kexue-III and Science 3.", "callsign": "BBNF", "IMO": 9391892, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "2006-07-28" }} | 2013-07-01 |
76SC | Ke Xue Yi Hao | {"node": { "country": "China", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Built 1980. Length 104m. Owned and operated by the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS). Also known as Science 1 and Kexue-I", "callsign": "BCCU", "IMO": 8427034, "title": "RV" }} | 2012-02-02 |
33KB | Kilo Moana | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel of the University of Hawaii Marine Center. Built 2002, active as at Jul 2007, callsign WDA7827, length 56m.", "callsign": "WDA7827", "IMO": 9229037, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 2002 }} | 2016-04-13 |
316N | Knorr | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Oceanographic research vessel, owned by US Navy, under charter to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Built 1970, underwent overhaul 89-91. Active as at Mar 07, length 85m.", "callsign": "KCEJ", "IMO": 7738618, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1970 }} | 2016-04-13 |
58UO | Kristine Bonnevie | {"node": { "country": "Norway", "MMSI": 258523000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Formerly Dr. Fridtjof Nansen. Renamed and modified 2016 for North Atlantic and Arctic work.", "built": "1993-10", "callsign": "LGWS", "length": 56.75, "previous_name": "Dr. Fridtjof Nansen", "IMO": 9062934, "commissioned": "2016-07-01" }} | 2017-08-10 |
35A3 | L'Atalante | {"node": { "country": "France", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "IFREMER research vessel built 1989, active as at Mar 07, length 84.6m", "pennant": "BR 732 996 K", "callsign": "FNCM", "IMO": 8716071, "commissioned": 1989 }} | 2016-04-13 |
58LA | Lance | {"node": { "country": "Norway", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research and expedition vessel of the Norwegian Polar Institute. Built in 1978 as fishing/sealing vessel for arctic waters. Sold to the Norwegian Hydrographic Service in 1981. Rebuilt in 1991 to upgrade her for research in antarctic and arctic. Handed over to Norwegian Polar Institute in 1994, operated by Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap. Active as at Apr 07, callsign LGKI, length 60.7m.", "callsign": "LGKI", "IMO": 7638351, "commissioned": 1994 }} | 2016-04-13 |
35LU | Le Suroit | {"node": { "country": "France", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Ifremer oceanographic research vessel built 1975, active as at Dec 2006, callsign FZVN, length 56m.", "callsign": "FZVN", "IMO": 7360368, "commissioned": 1975 }} | 2016-04-13 |
58LB | Libas | {"node": { "country": "Norway", "platformclass": "fishing vessel", "notes": "Commercial fishing vessel occasionally chartered by the Institute of Marine Research for fisheries and oceanographic research work. Homeport is Bergen. Built 2004 in Vyborg, Russland / Fitjar, Norway", "callsign": "LMQI", "IMO": 9283461, "commissioned": 2004 }} | 2012-02-02 |
64LY | Luymes | {"node": { "country": "Netherlands", "platformclass": "naval vessel", "notes": "Hydrographic research vessel of the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) Hydrographic Service. Built 2003, active as at Jan 07, length 81.42m.", "pennant": "A803", "callsign": "PAUF", "IMO": 9271860, "title": "HNLMS", "commissioned": 2003 }} | 2018-07-24 |
33H3 | Marcus G. Langseth | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel built 1991 as the Seismic vessel Western Legend and subsequently modified as a research vessel. Sold to Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in 2005, and renamed Marcus G. Langseth 11 Feb 2005. Active as at Mar 07, callsign WDC6698. Length 71.5m.", "previous_name": "Western Legend", "IMO": 9010137, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "2005-02-11" }} | 2016-04-13 |
73AA | Mare Nigrum | {"node": { "country": "Romania", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Geo Ecomar research vessel built 1971 as Somes. Renamed Mare Nigrum 1 Jan 02, active as at Feb 07, callsign YQPT, length 82m", "callsign": "YQPT", "previous_name": "Somes", "IMO": 7119408, "commissioned": "2002-01-01" }} | 2016-04-13 |
06M2 | Maria S. Merian | {"node": { "country": "Germany", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "WOD code 9048. MMSI 211753000", "built": 2005, "callsign": "DBBT", "length": 94.8, "IMO": 9274197, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "2006-02-09" }} | 2014-02-27 |
35MV | Marion Dufresne | {"node": { "country": "France", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel built 1995: length 120.75m. Active as at Feb 2010. Owned by Institut Paul Emile Victor (IPEV). Vessel has two principal functions i) logistics duties for the French Southern Islands under the responsibility of TAAF and ii) oceanographic research under the responsibility of IPEV.", "callsign": "FNIN", "IMO": 9050814, "commissioned": 1995 }} | 2012-02-02 |
318M | Melville | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel owned by US Navy, Operated by Scripps under charter agreement with Office of Naval Research.", "built": 1969, "callsign": "WECB", "length": 85, "IMO": 7738591, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1969 }} | 2012-12-06 |
06M3 | Meteor | {"node": { "country": "Germany", "platformclass": "research vessel", "callsign": "DBBH", "IMO": 8411279, "title": "FS", "commissioned": "1986-03-15" }} | 2016-04-13 |
49NZ | Mirai | {"node": { "country": "Japan", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) research vessel built 1972 as Mutsu, renamed Mirai on 2 Dec 1996. Operated by Global Ocean Development Inc. Active as at Mar 07, callsign JNSR, length 128.58m.", "callsign": "JNSR", "previous_name": "Mutsu", "IMO": 6919423, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "1996-12-02" }} | 2016-04-13 |
33MI | Mt. Mitchell | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Former NOAA ship decommissioned in 1995, bought by Global Seas in 2000 and completely rebuilt between 2002 and 2003.", "built": 1967, "callsign": "WDA 9674", "length": 70, "IMO": 6710932, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 2003 }} | 2012-12-06 |
49NB | Natsushima | {"node": { "country": "Japan", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Japan Agency for marine Earth (JAMSTEC) research vessel built 1981. Active as at Mar 07, callsign 7JDU, length 67m.", "callsign": "7JDU", "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1981 }} | 2013-07-01 |
32NM | New Horizon | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Scripps Institute research vessel.", "built": 1978, "callsign": "WKWB", "length": 52, "IMO": 7723821, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1978 }} | 2012-12-06 |
48AZ | OGS Explora | {"node": { "country": "Italy", "MMSI": 247028700, "synonym": "OGS-Explora", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Built as \"Explora\" by Elsflether Werft in Germany for Prakla-Seismos Hannover (Length 72.28). 1978 - 1982 three cruises to the Antarctic by BGR Hannover since 1987 by OGS-Trieste (Length 65,42 after refit). 1988 - more then ten cruises to the Antarctic as OGS-Explora", "built": "1973-04-01", "callsign": "IXWQ", "length": 65.42, "previous_name": "Explora", "IMO": 7310868, "commissioned": "1987-01-01" }} | 2016-02-08 |
32OC | Oceanus | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "The ship is owned by the US National Science Foundation and operated by WHOI. Underwent a mid-life renovation in 1994.", "built": 1975, "callsign": "WXAQ", "length": 54, "IMO": 7603617, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1976 }} | 2012-12-06 |
64PE | Pelagia | {"node": { "country": "Netherlands", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "NIOZ multi-purpose research vessel built 1991, active as at Mar 07, length 66.07m.", "callsign": "PGRQ", "IMO": 9001461, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1991 }} | 2016-04-13 |
32PE | Pelican | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) research vessel.", "built": 1985, "callsign": "WSK3051", "length": 35, "IMO": 8517009, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1985 }} | 2012-12-06 |
32P0 | Point Sur | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "University of Southern Mississippi research vessel.", "built": 1980, "callsign": "WSC2276", "length": 41, "IMO": 8023539, "title": "RV", "WOD": 3205, "commissioned": 1980 }} | 2016-05-04 |
06AQ | Polarstern | {"node": { "country": "Germany", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar und Meeresforschung research vessel. Built 1982, active as at Mar 07, callsign DBLK, length 118m.", "callsign": "DBLK", "IMO": 8013132, "title": "FS", "commissioned": 1982 }} | 2016-04-13 |
06PO | Poseidon | {"node": { "country": "Germany", "decommissioned": "2020-02-21", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Built as RV Poseidon, cv. to search and rescue Sea-Watch 4 (Call Sign DJCW) in 2020, became Humanity 1 in 2022", "built": 1976, "callsign": "DBKV", "length": 60, "IMO": 7427518, "commissioned": 1976 }} | 2025-01-09 |
35PK | Pourquoi pas? | {"node": { "country": "France", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel jointly owned by IFREMER and the French Navy. Operated by GIE Genavir. Built 2005. Active as at mar 07, length 107.6m.", "pennant": "BR 925 375", "callsign": "FMCY", "IMO": 9285548, "commissioned": 2005 }} | 2016-04-13 |
32QU | Robert Gordon Sproul | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Scripps Institute research vessel.", "built": 1981, "callsign": "WSQ2674", "length": 38, "IMO": 8128747, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1981 }} | 2012-12-06 |
33RR | Roger Revelle | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "US Navy owned research vessel operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography under charter agreement with the Office of Naval Research.", "built": 1996, "callsign": "KAOU", "length": 84, "IMO": 9075228, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1996 }} | 2012-12-06 |
33RO | Ronald H. Brown | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "built": "1997-04-25", "pennant": "R 104", "callsign": "WTEC", "length": 83.5, "IMO": 9105786, "title": "NOAA Ship", "commissioned": "1997-07-19" }} | 2015-06-05 |
29AH | Sarmiento de Gamboa | {"node": { "country": "Spain", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "CSIC Research vessel, built 2006. Operated by CSIC UTM (Marine Technology Unit). Active as at Jun 2007, length 70.5m.", "IMO": 9335238, "commissioned": 2006 }} | 2016-04-13 |
33H6 | Savannah | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel operated by the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (Georgia).", "callsign": "WDA5407", "length": 28, "IMO": 8992651, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 2001 }} | 2012-12-06 |
33SW | Seward Johnson | {"node": { "country": "United States", "decommissioned": 2010, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Was sold in 2010 to the Cepemar Group, a Brazilian environmental consulting firm. Previously at HARBOR BRANCH OCEAN INST. INC.", "built": 1984, "callsign": "WST9756", "length": 62, "IMO": 8408002, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1985 }} | 2022-04-27 |
06BE | Sonne | {"node": { "country": "Germany", "decommissioned": "2014-08", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Port of registry Bremen. Built 1969 as factory trawler Sonne BX 722, converted to a research vessel in 1977, elongated by 10.8 m in 1991. Became Austral under Argentine flag in 2015", "built": "1969-01-01", "callsign": "DFCG", "length": 97.61, "previous_name": "Sonne", "IMO": 6909777, "title": "FS", "commissioned": "1977-01-01" }} | 2017-11-22 |
06SN | Sonne | {"node": { "country": "Germany", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Port of registry Wilhelmshaven. Operating Authority University of Hamburg. Owner Federal Ministry of Education and Research", "built": "2014-04-22", "callsign": "DBBE", "length": 116, "IMO": 9633927, "commissioned": "2014-08-11" }} | 2020-02-11 |
09SS | Southern Surveyor | {"node": { "country": "Australia", "decommissioned": "2014-07", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Originally the Ranger Callisto (Norway), then became the UK registered Kurd 1982-01-01, then renamed Kurdeen 1982-01-02. Renamed Southern Surveyor 1982-12-31 and registered in Australia from 1988-11-15. Renamed Jupiter in July 2014, registered in St Kitts and Nevis.", "built": 1972, "callsign": "VLHJ", "length": 66.15, "previous_name": "Kurderen", "IMO": 7113002, "title": "RV", "commissioned": "1988-11-15" }} | 2016-05-09 |
49TD | Tansei Maru | {"node": { "country": "Japan", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Length 51m. Research vessel operated by Tokyo University from 1982 and then JAMSTEC from 2004", "callsign": "JIQY", "IMO": 8130265, "commissioned": "1982-10-15" }} | 2013-07-01 |
35HT | Thalassa | {"node": { "country": "France", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel built 1995, commissioned 1996. Joint French and Spanish ship operated by IFREMER. Active as at Dec 2006, callsign FNFP", "callsign": "FNFP", "IMO": 9070307, "commissioned": 1996 }} | 2016-04-13 |
3250 | Thomas G. Thompson | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "The R/V is owned by the Office of Naval Research and operated under a Charter Party agreement by the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington as part of the UNOLS fleet.", "built": 1991, "pennant": "AGOR-23", "callsign": "KTDQ", "length": 83, "IMO": 8814419, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1991 }} | 2012-12-06 |
45TC | Tom Crean | {"node": { "country": "Ireland", "MMSI": 250006431, "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Fisheries survey vessel owned by the Irish Marine Institute, Galway. Built as Tom Crean", "built": 2022, "callsign": "EIYX3", "length": 52.8, "IMO": 9903516, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 2022 }} | 2022-11-18 |
64TM | Tydeman | {"node": { "country": "Netherlands", "platformclass": "naval vessel", "notes": "HRMS Tideman (A906), vessel of the Royal Netherlands Navy Hydrographic Service RNLN. Built 1976, active as at Mar 07, callsign not available, length 90.19m", "pennant": "A906", "callsign": "PAUA", "IMO": 7432044, "title": "HRMS", "commissioned": 1976 }} | 2016-04-13 |
48UR | Urania | {"node": { "country": "Italy", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Research vessel built 1992. Owned by SO.PRO.MAR Spa and managed by the Research Council of Italy (CNR). Active as at Jan 07, callsign IQSU, length 61.30m.", "callsign": "IQSU", "commissioned": 1992 }} | 2013-07-01 |
29VE | Vizconde de Eza | {"node": { "country": "Spain", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "IEO research vessel built in 2000. Active as at Jun 07, callsign EAXB, length 53m.", "callsign": "EAXB", "IMO": 9206308, "commissioned": 2000 }} | 2016-04-13 |
06NI | Walther Herwig III | {"node": { "country": "Germany", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Built 1993, active as at Aug 2007. Length 64.5m. Owned by the Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture. Operated by the Federal Agency of Agriculture and Food (BLE), Hamburg. From Lloyds: IMO 9048392.", "callsign": "DBFR", "IMO": 9048392, "title": "FFS", "commissioned": 1993 }} | 2016-04-13 |
32WC | Wecoma | {"node": { "country": "United States", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "R/V WECOMA is owned by the National Science Foundation and operated under a Cooperative Agreement by Oregon State University, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.", "built": 1975, "callsign": "WSD7079", "length": 54, "IMO": 7604439, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1976 }} | 2012-12-06 |
49YP | Yokosuka | {"node": { "country": "Japan", "MMSI": 431460000, "platformclass": "research vessel", "built": "1990-04", "callsign": "JCOY", "length": 105, "IMO": 8711019 }} | 2015-06-24 |
64ZF | Zirfaea | {"node": { "country": "Netherlands", "platformclass": "research vessel", "notes": "Multipurpose research vessel owned by North Sea Directorate, part of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. Built in 1993, length 63m. Active as at Mar 07.", "callsign": "PBZV", "IMO": 9046497, "title": "RV", "commissioned": 1993 }} | 2016-04-13 |