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EMODnet Physics data collection aggregated parameter names

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
BIOCHEMICAL Biochemical Variables associated with the with the determination of the amount od dissolved chlorophyll, inorganic macronutrients in seawater using water column measurements. 2024-04-25
BIOGEOCHEMICAL Biogeochemical DEPRECATED Variables associated with the with the determination of the amount od dissolved chlorophyll, inorganic macronutrients in seawater using water column measurements 2024-05-20
CARBONSYSTEM Carbon System Variables associated to carbon uptake and fluxes 2024-03-06
CURRENTS Currents Variables associated with the determination of the speed and direction of surface and subsuface seawater currents. 2024-03-06
DISSOLVEDOXYGEN Dissolved Oxygen Variables associated with the determination of the amount of oxygen dissolved in seawater using water column measurements 2024-03-06
METEOROLOGICAL Meteorological Variables associated with the determination of the meteorological variables (including atmospheric pressure, air temperature, rain, aerosol, etc) 2024-03-06
OPTICAL Optical Properties Variables associated with the optical properties of the water, including the turbidity, the degree of scattering of light in water, related to the amount of suspended material in the water 2024-03-06
RIVER River Variables associated with the river water properties 2024-03-06
SEAICE Sea Ice Variables associated with the determination of sea ice properties and position (including iceberg trajectories) 2024-03-06
SEALEVEL Sea Level Variables associated with the of sea level properties, including movement of sea level, the displacement of the water column surface from a fixed, stable reference, expressed as metres or pressure 2024-03-06
WATERTEMPERATURE Temperature in the sea water column Variables associated with the determination of seawater temperature 2024-03-18
UNDERWATERSOUND Underwater Sound Variables associated with the sound emission and propagation in the marine environment. This topic includes the measurement of sound characteristics 2024-03-06
WATERSALINITY Water Salinity and Conductivity Variables associated with the determination of sea water salinity 2024-04-18
SALINITYCONDUCTIVITY Water Salinity and conductivity DEPRECATED Variables associated with the determination of seawater salinity 2024-04-18
WAVES Waves Variables associated with the determination of surface waves on water bodies. 2024-03-06
WINDS Winds Variables associated with the determination of the wind speed and direction near the Earth's surface. 2024-03-06