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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
41 16S ribosomal RNA molecules Ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules belonging to the smaller (30S) subunit of the ribosome of prokaryotic organisms. 2014-10-31
S1261 baleen A series of fringed keratin plates located in the upper jaw of certain whale species' mouths. Baleen is used as a filter-feeding mechanism whereby food sources such as krill, copepods and small fish are filtered from seawater entering a whale's mouth. 2021-06-24
S1263 bell The umbrella-shaped body part of a medusozoan Cnidaria (jellyfish). It can pulsate to provide propulsion. 2021-07-07
S1234 bile A digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder which aids in the digestion of fats 2010-08-09
S1266 bill A projecting mouthpart found mainly in birds but also in turtles and other animals consisting of two bony projections (upper and lower mandibles) covered by a keratinised sheath of skin. 2021-07-07
S121 bladders Distensible membranous sacs containing liquid or gas found in certain types of algae (e.g. Phaeocystis or Fucus vesiculosus (bladderwrack)). 2010-08-10
S1230 blood Fluid contained in the vascular system of animals 2010-01-25
S1252 blood cells Cells found in the fluid contained in the vascular system of animals. 2018-05-29
S1254 blood serum Blood component without cells and clotting factors. 2018-05-29
S1229 blubber A thick layer of vascularised fat found under the skin of all cetaceans, pinnipeds and sirenians 2010-01-25
S1256 body fat A connective tissue consisting mainly of fat cells also called adipose cells or adipocytes. Its main role is to store energy but it also acts as a protective layer around the body and its organs. 2018-05-29
S1240 bone The rigid part of the endoskeleton of vertebrates except cartillagenous fish. 2010-08-10
S122 bracts Modified leaves growing at the base and in association with the reproductive organs of some plants (e.g. flower, inflorescence, cone scale), or large shield-like gelatinous structures found in the siphosome of some siphonophores. 2025-01-24
S1253 brain The organ that acts as the centre of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. 2018-05-29
S1281 brown meat A term used to refer to the flesh of crabs extracted from the main body cavity and consisting of the hepatopancreas (digestive gland) and reproductive organs. 2022-05-17
S1265 carapace Bony or chitinous case or shield covering the back or part of the back of some animals like turtles or crabs. 2021-07-07
S123 cells Biological particles delimited by a selectively permeable membrane containing a salty protoplasm, genetic material and non-genetic biomolecules; cells can be present as free-living single-cell organisms or as constituents of multicellular organisms. 2024-12-11
S1275 central disc The central body part of a starfish (Asteroidea) also known as sea star, containing the internal organs, and the mouth and anus, and from which arms arms radiate. The radius of the central disc is used as a standard biometric measurement in starfish studies. 2021-08-25
S1267 clasper An appendage, usually paired, under the abdomen of male cartilaginous fishes like sharks or rays, or at the end of the abdomen of a male insect, used to hold the female during copulation. 2021-07-07
S1242 coccolith aggregates and coccospheres Aggregations of calcite plates that represent either complete organisms or parts thereof 2012-11-07
S1215 coccoliths Discrete plates of calcium carbonate from the tests (coccospheres) of unicellular algae known as coccolthophores. 2012-11-13
S124 coccospheres Complete coccolithophore cells usually sperical in shape made up from individual calcareous plates known as coccoliths. 2012-11-15
S1284 culmen The upper margin of the beak or bill of a bird. 2022-07-18
S125 cylindrical faecal pellets 25-40um diameter Small rounded particles excreted by animals with the shape of a cylinder with diameter of 25 to 40 micron. 2014-10-31
S126 cylindrical faecal pellets 40-60um diameter Small rounded particles excreted by animals with the shape of a cylinder with diameter of 40 to 60 micron. 2014-10-31
S127 cylindrical faecal pellets 60-100um diameter Small rounded particles excreted by animals with the shape of a cylinder with diameter of 60 to 100 micron. 2014-10-31
S128 cylindrical faecal pellets <25um diameter Small rounded particles excreted by animals with the shape of a cylinder with diameter lesser than 25 micron. 2014-10-31
S129 cylindrical faecal pellets >100um diameter Small rounded particles excreted by animals with the shape of a cylinder with diameter greater than 100 micron. 2014-10-31
S1259 egg case Casing that surrounds the eggs of oviparous sharks, skates, and chimaeras (cartilaginous fishes, members of the Chondrichthyes class). 2020-02-17
S1255 egg yolk and albumen homogenate Suspension resulting from the homogenization of the yolk and the albumen of an egg. 2018-05-29
S1210 ellipsoidal faecal pellets Small rounded particles excreted by animals with the shape of an ellipse. 2014-10-31
S1211 empty frustules The empty siliceous cell walls of diatoms. 2014-10-31
S1212 exuvia The cast-off outer skin of an organism after a moult (plural: exuviae). 2014-10-31
S1213 faecal pellets Small rounded particles excreted by animals. 2014-10-31
S1257 feathers Epidermal extensions (keratin) that are unique to birds. 2018-05-29
S1214 flesh The soft-body parts of an animal. 2018-05-29
S1233 gill A respiratory organ used to breathe oxygen dissolved in water by aquatic animals. 2010-07-30
S1236 gonads The primary sex organs of an organism. The term covers the organs of both sexes and may be used for example where ovaries and testes are pooled together for chemical analysis.. 2010-08-09
S1270 head The cephalic part of an organism, usually located at one end of the body, which contains the highest density of neurons, and often other sense organs. 2021-07-07
S1244 heart The heart is the organ that pumps blood around the body of an animal. 2016-03-07
S1243 hepatopancreas The hepatopancreas, digestive gland or midgut gland is an organ of the digestive tract of arthropods, molluscs and fish. It provides the functions which in mammals are provided separately by the liver and pancreas, including the production of digestive enzymes, and absorption of digested food. 2016-02-03
S1277 host tissue The soft tissue component of the host organism in a symbiotic (mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic) relationship. 2022-04-08
S1237 intestine The part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus. 2010-08-09
S1283 intracellular reserve pool The sum of substances (nutrients, neurotransmitters) which are present within a biological cell in a storage capacity. 2022-05-17
S1248 kidney The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that serve several essential regulatory roles in vertebrates. Their main function is the balance of Electrolytes in the blood, along with homeostasis of pH. They also remove excess organic molecules from the blood, and it is by this action that their best-known function is performed: the removal of waste products of metabolism. 2016-04-06
S1287 leaf sheath The basal tubular part of a grass leaf that encircles the stem. 2024-02-01
S1250 leaves The main organ of photosynthesis in higher plants. 2017-10-22
S1216 liver A large organ in vertebrates and some other animals that stores and metabolises nutrients, destroys toxins and produces bile. 2010-08-10
S1217 loricae The protective outer envelopes of some groups of protozoans ciliates and rotifers (singular: lorica). 2014-10-31
S1268 lower rostrum The lower part of an organism's two-part beak or beak-like projecting structure. The term is used in reference to cetaceans, crustaceans, cephalopods and some fishes. 2021-07-07
S1247 lung The lungs are the primary organs of respiration in humans and many other animals including a few fish and some snails. In mammals and most other vertebrates, two lungs are located near the backbone on either side of the heart. Their function in the respiratory system is to extract oxygen from the atmosphere and transfer it into the bloodstream, and to release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere, in a process of gas exchange. 2016-04-06
S1262 mantle Also called pallium, plural pallia, or palliums, in biology, a soft covering, formed from the body wall, of brachiopods and molluscs; also, the fleshy outer covering, sometimes strengthened by calcified plates, of barnacles. ( 2021-07-07
S1272 metasome The posterior of the two or three main divisions of the body of certain invertebrates. 2021-07-07
S1231 milk Fluid produced by female mammals to feed their young. 2010-01-25
S1218 muscle tissue Striated muscles, such as those that that move the skeleton (also called voluntary muscle). 2010-08-10
S1282 muscle tissues and gonads Muscles and gonads considered as one entity. 2022-05-17
S1258 muscle tissues and skin Muscles and skin considered as one entity. 2018-05-29
S1260 nectophores Also known as "swimming bells", nectophores are medusae that are specialized for moving a physonect siphonophore colony through the water. The region of the colony containing the nectophores is called the nectosome. 2021-02-13
S1228 nifH gene copies Copies of the gene coding for the dinitrogenase reductase subunit of the nitrogenase enzyme complex in nitrogen-fixing bacteria. 2024-12-11
S1219 not specified The biological entity definition does not specify a subcomponent of the organism as a component. 2023-08-25
S1232 ovary The female gonad. In animals it is the organ that produces eggs. In plants it is the part of the pistil that holds the ovules. 2010-01-25
S1220 pollen Microscopic particles and male fertilizing agent produced by flowering plants, trees, grasses and weeds in the course of their sexual reproduction cycle. 2014-10-31
S1227 primary polyp The most significant component of the body of the sedentary life-cycle stage of a cnidarian 2006-10-23
S1271 prosome The anterior of the two or three main divisions of the body of certain invertebrates. 2021-07-07
S1245 red muscle tissue The red muscle is also known as slow muscle and depends on aerobic metabolism for energy. This muscle contains a lot of myoglobin, capillaries and also a lot of glycogen and lipids. It is located in most fish as a band along the side of the fish. 2016-03-08
S1221 remains Body parts of a dead organism. 2014-10-31
S1251 rhizomes Underground stems that grows horizontally and from which roots and shoots can grow. 2018-02-19
S1278 roots The part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibres. 2022-05-13
S1279 roots+rhizomes The underground structures of a plant including the rhizomes which are subterranean horizontal stems from which roots and shoots can grow; and roots which are the parts of a plant which attach it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibres. 2022-05-13
S1239 shell The hard outer covering of certain organisms (e.g.arthropods, bivalves, gastropods, crustaceans and turtles), birds' eggs and the seeds of some plants (e.g. nuts). 2010-08-10
S1264 shoot Above ground part of plants consisting of any plant stem together with its appendages, leaves and lateral buds, flowering stems, and flower buds. 2021-07-07
S1285 siphosome Stem of a siphonophore colony to which feeding, reproductive, defensive and buoyant zooid units are attached. 2023-06-08
S1222 skeleton The system that provides support to an organism. It is internal and made up of bones and cartilage in vertebrates, but may be external in some other animals and possibly plants 2010-08-09
S1235 skin The soft outer covering of a vertebrate animal. 2010-08-09
S1223 spherical faecal pellets Small rounded particles excreted by animals with the shape of a sphere. 2014-10-31
S1249 spleen An abdominal organ involved in the production and removal of blood cells in most vertebrates and forming part of the immune system. 2016-04-06
S1276 starfish arm One of generally five (but, in some species, more) appendages of a starfish (also known as sea stars) that radiate from the central disc. 2021-09-20
S1286 stipe The stalk or stem of plants (including macroalgae) and fungi. 2024-02-01
S1280 structural cellular components The physical parts of a cell including the cell wall (if present), cell membrane, nucleus, and other organelles. 2022-05-17
S1273 tarsus The bones or cartilages of the part of the foot between the metatarsus and the leg; also the foot of an insect or a crustacean, usually consisting of two to five joints. 2021-07-07
S1224 tests The hard outer covering of some protozoans (e.g. foraminifera) and echinoderms (sea urchins). 2010-08-10
S1225 tissue A group of specialised interconnected cells of similar type and function that plays a specific role in the body of a multicellular organism. 2024-12-11
S1226 trichomes Elongated hair-like structures formed by a single line of cells in filamentous cyanobacteria colonies; the term can also refer to fine extensions from a single single or extensions made of multiple cells found in some species of plants, algae, lichen or protists. 2014-10-31
S1269 upper rostrum The upper part of an organism's two-part beak or beak-like projecting structure. The term is used in reference to cetaceans, crustaceans, cephalopods and some fishes. 2021-07-07
S1241 vas deferens A coiled tube that carries the sperm out of the testes. 2010-08-10
S1238 viscera The internal organs of the body cavity. 2010-08-09
S1246 white muscle tissue The white muscle is also known as fast muscle and depends on anaerobic metabolism for energy. This muscle contains lower levels of myoglobin and mitochondria than red muslce. It is the predominant type of muscle in fish. 2016-03-08
S1274 wings Paired structures which certain animals use to propel themselves in the air or water. 2021-07-07